Monday, March 2, 2009

turkeys - shout out to Mr. Espey

Well just to let you know, turkeys does not go by the regular English is not "turkies" it is "turkeys" just to clear that up.

Emily, please tell you dad just to come to my campus if he wants to catch a turkey for next Thanksgiving. I know they live at the farm, and that's where he was supposed to catch one, but it would be a lot more easier if he just caught one from here. There is quite a plethora of them, all you have to do is open your eyes and BOOM there's one right in front of you.

They are supposedly wild turkeys, except they are really not wild anymore. They like to eat out of the trashcans, I mean bins, on campus, so when you go to throw something away they flap their wings and scare you half to death. It's true. I think they are out to get someone actually. They seem to be trying to take over they school, I see them planning something together, I really do.

So I guess, Mr. Espey, don't catch one of these for Thanksgiving dinner. They probably have mites or something.

Tomorrow I will feel better. I will also go to my Children's Lit class, then (hopefully) finish reading The Coral Island, then go to my Children's Lit tutorial. Maybe I'll make my way to Stockland to get some medicine if I'm not all the way better and groceries for my Thursday night cooking. That is, if I know what I'm going to cook for Thursday night. Any ideas would be grand! I'm cooking manicotti, but that has to wait until next Thursday because Matt is cooking lasagna on Wednesday. I hope it's vege lasagna, with broccoli, I really do enjoy broccoli (the family that I live with calls it broccol-IE with a long I at the end...they also pronounce the "L's" in tortillas with a short "I" before's interesting how different people pronounce things).

I guess some people want to know my school schedule:
-Monday: 10 am- North Queensland Society Indigenous Historical Voices lecture
11 am- The same class, but the tutorial
-Tuesday: 12 pm-Children's Literature lecture
2 pm- Children's Lit tutorial
-Wednesday: 9 am- Visual Arts
10 am- another Children's Lit lecture
1 pm-3 pm- art practical (pottery, painting, block printing, etc)
6 pm- The Land and its Legends in Australian Cinema tutorial
7 pm- Cinema class again, but watching the movie
-Thursday: 10 am- Cinema lecture
-Friday: NOTHING!

*lectures are the entire class together at once...two of mine are video lectures so my teacher is in Cairnes while I try to pay attention and learn
*tutorials are smaller groups of students from each class that we have to sign up for and I guess it's where we have group discussions and stuff...more personal
*all classes have three grades...two assignments (most of the time these are essays) and one final exam

Oh. I didn't clean today. but I did pay rent. and take a nap. and drink lots of fluids (that's to you Momma)

Also, I'm jealous of the snow you guys got!! I would actually only probably enjoy it for about 30 minutes if I was there, but now I can't even imagine it really! How funny it would be for me to wake up to snow in the morning tomorrow (that was kind of the types of sentences that The Coral Island is full of...not the snow or anything, just the structure). I think Townsville would go crazy if there was snow here! Oh yea, it hasn't rained in 4 days I believe, that has to be some kind of record.

I'm going go make some hot tea, read, and go to bed.


  1. "Turkeys" actually does follow the regular English rule for plurals. Nouns that end with a "y" preceded by a vowel just get an "s." (turkeys, monkeys, boys, toys)

    It's only the nouns that end with a consonant + "y" that get the "ies" treatment. (flies, babies, ponies, studies)

    The More You Know!

  2. haha, eleanor got schooled!

    i thinkyou should know that if youre making stir-fry veggies, add in some peanut butter and the magic SWEET CHILLI SAUCE and its DELIC!

  3. uggg. thanks Thomas. I probably should have known that, I think Australia is doing something to seems that I've gotten worse at typing and at spelling since I've been here.

    and anyways, I miss you a lot. How is everything going with student teaching?? Email me sometime if you can! Did you get my postcard? love you!!

  4. Hi Eleanor!! Art Practical sounds fun.
    And I know what you mean about only being excited for snow for about 30 minutes.. I'm very ready for it to finish melting and for spring to be here.
    Plus I'm just letting you know that I have a blog now! My friend Ashley suggested that I get one.. so I did.
    Anyways. Miss you tons! <3
