Sunday, April 26, 2009

I should probably start now..

(11:30am, Monday)
I'm in the computer lab waiting for my lecture to start again, so I'll write some about this week...there won't be any pictures yet since I'm here and not the house, but I'll put those up later.

So first of all, Maya Gene, Daddy, and Hawke: thank you thank you for making my week so wonderful! I think I'll be able to last the last two months because you guys came here. I had such an amazing time and it's going to be with us forever! I love you all.

ok here we go: first of all, their flights made them end up getting here 5 hours later than we expected, I probably was going crazy, but they got here safely, and Julie took my to the airport, and they had already gotten their luggage and everything by the time we got there, so while Julie and I were looking at the flight board someone called my name and I turned around and it was them! I wasn't ready to be in shock yet I don't think because I didn't think they would be there yet, but they were, and I was, and it was beautiful.

First adventure: Daddy figuring out how to drive on the other side of the road...and go around roundabouts, since there are a million in Townsville....also the drivers seat is on the other side, and the gear changing thing, and the window wipers and the blinkers. everything I guess. This meant that he would lots of times make the window wipers go rather than the blinker, it was pretty funny. I'm sure driving all backwards like is hard to get used to, but he got it mostly. Oh also, we said things for the roundabout like "all the way around and then to the right" and "straight means you go straight through the roundabout, but you still have to go around it"...I guess that kind of thing could get confusing definitely.

uggg. break time. I have to go back to class now, and then watch a movie for the class I didn't go to the viewing for last week then I'll walk home and eat some lunch...if I have any...and then I'll get back to this. I love you all!

haha so actually it took longer to get back to this than expected, now its 8:15 pm, but at least it's still on my Monday.

hm..let's see, back to the first day...oh, tacos and quesadillas for dinner(which remember, the pronouce the L's in that word at my house here), then bed time for everyone I guess

---I'm not going to write all of the days on one blog because that would be too long, so I'll break it up into a few different ones---

oh, and also the pictures I'll be putting up will mostly be one's that my dad, Maya, and Hawke took because I can't find my camera cord right now.

told you they were cool

Day 2:
Billabong Sanctuary! There were SO many neat animals that we got to pet and hold and feed and not feed and not get near (you know, those crazy crocs)'s a list of the animals we saw there...except I can't remember every single one of them, but anyways: koalas!, kangaroos (that were just chillin or walking all around the place), a crazy cassawary, kookaburras, saltwater and freshwater crocs, Australian ducks who liked to fight, the "most poisonous snakes in Australia" (which probably means the world as well), a wombatt's butt (it was sleeping and that's all we could see), a wedge tailed eagle named ZENA who was HUGE!, emus who make a ridiculously crazy noise, and a white masked owl. It was a perfect day of course.

I really love kookaburras

Daddy and a koala!!

that's what a cassowary is, they are crazy looking, and
crazy killing when they have babies around

Then we went to see Mark (my host dad) play guitar at the "Stardust Drive-In!" was really neat, there was a market going on, but I kind of wish the drive-in was playing a movie because I've never been to one before...especially one called the Stardust Drive-In.

Oh! We also went to town that night. haha. it was fun. Deanna and Dana came with all of us and it was quite the eventful night, everybody had fun.

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