Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Secret Garden

I just started reading it for my Children's Lit class! I know that I used to really love the movie, but I can't believe I've never read the book!

I'm going to be going back and forth from writing this and cleaning my room. Because I've been pushing off cleaning my room for forever, and I said that I would do it Tuesday, so I guess I really should... thank goodness I don't have as much stuff to make my room messy as I do home.

Yesterday I went to Riverway Pool. It's that nice free public pool that I've been talking about. No one could go with me, but that was ok with me, I'm getting better at doing things by myself since I've gotten here. I guess that's kind of a big part of the whole being more independent thing. The only way I knew how to get to the pool was to take the bus to the Willows then walk across the street to the pool, but you can't see the pool at all from the Willows, so I asked someone and they showed me the way. Then I ended up crossing the street at the same time another girl did, and she noticed that we were walking the same direction so she offered to share her umbrella with me! It was so nice! I wasn't even walking right beside her or anything, but she just offered it right up, saying something like "it's way to hot to be walking in the direct sun, come over here." She was completely right, it was way too be hot to be walking, but I had the pool in my mind so it was ok. It made my day that she would just offer. We didn't even tell each other our names, but she's going to school for art in Brisbane next year. When I got to the pool I just ended up sitting in the shallow part and read my book that we had to have finished for my Children's Lit class today (The Seven Little Australians). It kind of reminds me of Little Women, except the dad is mean and the stepmom is only 20, but the kids and time period and stuff remind me of it a bit.

Tomorrow I have art! We are doing sculpture, and I think mine will turn out pretty well, if the heat hasn't dried it out too badly yet....we started them last week and we double bagged them and sprayed them with tons of water before we left, but the classroom doesn't really have walls, so I'll be surprised if they aren't super dry.

I met someone else who lives in Annandale right up the street from me!

Oh gosh, I thought I just erased all of this blog by hitting some bad key to hit when my fingers were flying furiously to tell you guys about my life here. phew good thing I didn't or I'm pretty sure you guys wouldn't have a blog from me today, I would have been quite annoyed.

Anyways...oh yea! I am only 14 hours in front of you guys now, since you guys had Daylight Savings time change and we didn't. So remember that: fourteen hours ahead.

oh yea, for the crew: I made a milkshake today with the last of the icecream, and it just wasn't the same without you guys, and without the javachip....or vanilla with hot fudge on a spoon and peanuts (Kirstin!) haha

p.s. I really do miss everyone so much. I try not to think of it all the time because I can't be sad all of the time...but it's especially hard when I have my itunes on shuffle, and each song reminds me of someone else from home.

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